Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First Post Ever!

WELCOME TO MY FIRST EVER POST! This is completely awesome and exciting. BLOG POST NUMBER 1! WOOHOO!

Now, I know you're wondering: who the heck am I?

Well, I'm Hannah! I'll be the picture taker on this here blog. I'm 16, and from a really small town in Georgia where everything is at least 45 minutes away.

And, quite honestly, I am not used to being outside. I much prefer indoors.

Mostly because indoors I actually get wifi, much unlike outside. Seriously, no wifi? How do people camp and stuff without wifi? I don't understand it!

Anyways, here are two of my favorite techy  things! My iPod and my camera!

My iPod feeds me music, while my camera....

... allows me to take dorky pictures of myself that I will mostly regret in a maximum of 10 years. But hey, it's fun!

Oh, and this is the living creature that decided to grow on my head. This monster is out of control and has a complete mind of its own. It often attacks my face causing me to forcibly restrain it.

And even when I do restrain it some of it even escapes. My hair is evil on multiple levels, a fact which I have come to accept.

But let me tell you a little more about myself! I enjoy things like giving myself ears.

I enjoy not taking things seriously.

I prefer not looking at the camera when taking pictures.

I love collecting old pictures of people I know, and people I don't! This one is my mother and my uncle from 1973.

Ooooh, and this one of a family from 1940.

Oh, and a personal favorite, and one of my oldest dated photos, from 1922!

I also rather enjoy staring off into the distance with a meaningful expression.

And this is my mother interrupting my meaningful staring with the announcement of dinner being ready.

Well, it was a great post, internet. I'm glad we could share this. Now I'm off to go eat food! But until then, here is a picture of me noticing a squirrel staring at me with a demonic expression:

I'm gonna say this was a success.

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