Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Well, hello there, I am back at the office with my mother and I didn't bring my camera, so WEBCAM PICTURES! I thought I'd let you all know that I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow! I'm going by myself and going to stay with a bunch of family and I am crazy excited.

I'll be flying, which I love and haven't done in while. I'll be gone for 11 days and will probably not have an internet for the majority of the time I'm there, which should be an adventure!

I'm also trying to get a new phone that doesn't suck within the next 24 hours because my current phone is horrid. I am slowly becoming convinced that no good non-smartphones exist for the AT&T network. But I just hope I find something.

But until I arrive home, I'll see you all later! (This picture is reminding me to add 'gain skin pigment' to the top of my Florida to-do list, jeez I'm white.) Wish me luck on phone hunting!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Walk Through Dallas

So, today I went to work with my mother because I have an orthodontist appointment. My mom works at this church that just so happens to be within walking distance of the historic downtown Dallas, Georgia. It isn't really much of a downtown area as a street with the city hall and a ton of cute old family owned shops. Either way, I love it! So I grabbed my camera and took a walk.

I started my journey in the parking lot, where the lines on the pavement are old and cracked, making them look rustic and cool.

The church my mom works at is crazy old, much like everything in Dallas. It has a great steeple that I just had to take a picture of.

Then after walking a bit I arrived at Main Street!

I found out there is going to be a puppet show at the Dallas theater in July!

I went to my favorite little antique store.

And I bought three new photographs for my collection!

Then I passed a flower shop with the greatest flowers!

I also passed this great blue building that was offering body piercings, but was closed.

Then I came across this awesome guy! He saw me taking pictures and asked if I could take a picture of him, but he wanted it to look casual, so he started walking again and let me take a picture. He is great.

After meeting the great man from across the street, I found another antique shop that I somehow missed the last time I was here! I found this amazing old teddy bear that I desperately wanted to buy and patch up, but alas, I hadn't the money.

Then I found some else I didn't know existed, an art shop! It was filled with knick knacks and bobbles, but what I really loved was the little room dedicated to toddler things. There were toys everywhere.

I finally got around to walking over to the little park behind city hall, only to find I was completely alone!

I nearly decided to play in the fountain, which would have been nice and cool after a humid and icky day of walking.

But instead I sat on the benches, which I had all to myself.

After the benches got boring I moved to sit on the edge of the fountain, where I decided it was time to leave due to the beginnings of rain and the arrival of not so nice looking teenagers.

But nicely enough I saw a father and his little girl walking down the sidewalk and snapped a quick picture, because they were just too cute.

Then while walking back to my mom's office I saw the building in which I attended my first ever formal school dance. It brought back great memories of friends and dancing and food. It's kind of funny how a little building can do all that.

Eventually I finally reached my destination of my temporary office! And here is the blog post from that office! Though, the wifi here is terrible. Someone remind me never to photo blog from my mom's office again.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 Steps to Cleaning!

So, I've been meaning to clean my room since before my last post. Naturally, I figured that the only real way I could get things done was to turn it into a photo blog post. Therefore, I shall provide you with 10 Steps I use when cleaning my room! These steps are proven to work 8 out of 10 times on average.*

*please not that the study in which these results were 
found was on procrastination, and NOT productivity.

Step one: Throw yourself onto your bed and exclaim your hatred for cleaning your room.

Step two: Look at floor and come to terms with the fact that you need to clean.

Step three: Continue not to clean.

Step four: Stand on something you're not suppose to, then begin cleaning.

Step five: Get all clothes off the floor and into a pile.

Step six: Pose with gaint clothes pile. 

Step seven: Actually put clothes away, and then realize you can fit inside your closet.

Step eight: Put all the dirty dishes into one general area and vow to take them out to the kitchen tomorrow.

Step nine: Make a face and edit a rainbow on top of it. Please note that this is a necessary and important step.

Step ten: You're done!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First Post Ever!

WELCOME TO MY FIRST EVER POST! This is completely awesome and exciting. BLOG POST NUMBER 1! WOOHOO!

Now, I know you're wondering: who the heck am I?

Well, I'm Hannah! I'll be the picture taker on this here blog. I'm 16, and from a really small town in Georgia where everything is at least 45 minutes away.

And, quite honestly, I am not used to being outside. I much prefer indoors.

Mostly because indoors I actually get wifi, much unlike outside. Seriously, no wifi? How do people camp and stuff without wifi? I don't understand it!

Anyways, here are two of my favorite techy  things! My iPod and my camera!

My iPod feeds me music, while my camera....

... allows me to take dorky pictures of myself that I will mostly regret in a maximum of 10 years. But hey, it's fun!

Oh, and this is the living creature that decided to grow on my head. This monster is out of control and has a complete mind of its own. It often attacks my face causing me to forcibly restrain it.

And even when I do restrain it some of it even escapes. My hair is evil on multiple levels, a fact which I have come to accept.

But let me tell you a little more about myself! I enjoy things like giving myself ears.

I enjoy not taking things seriously.

I prefer not looking at the camera when taking pictures.

I love collecting old pictures of people I know, and people I don't! This one is my mother and my uncle from 1973.

Ooooh, and this one of a family from 1940.

Oh, and a personal favorite, and one of my oldest dated photos, from 1922!

I also rather enjoy staring off into the distance with a meaningful expression.

And this is my mother interrupting my meaningful staring with the announcement of dinner being ready.

Well, it was a great post, internet. I'm glad we could share this. Now I'm off to go eat food! But until then, here is a picture of me noticing a squirrel staring at me with a demonic expression:

I'm gonna say this was a success.