Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New things!

Hello! Long time so see, right? Well, apart from college prep, learning to drive, attempting to find a job, and still managing to keep up with AP and Honors classes, my life has still been pretty busy. Fortunately enough, I'm still moving forward. I just didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about you, so I'd like to fill you in on what I'm currently doing!

Over the past few months I've discovered blogs like Maddie On Things and I completely fell in love with the idea. Do stuff, take pictures, right a short blurb about it, and done. So, over my recent school break I decided to go for it, and thus created Hannah Doing Things. I'm using Tumblr as a platform for the fact that it's convenient and I'm already wasting my life away there, so why not! It's easy and simple. So, if you wanna go check that out the link is right here:

I hope you all know that I wouldn't give up this blog given the chance, but right now my life is hectic and my attention is forced to be other places. I hope you all understand and I hope to see you in the future!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Back and Sewing

Oh my goodness! Hello! I know it has been just about forever since my last post, but to catch up super quickly I give you the following paragraph:

School is keeping me super busy! With Honors and AP classes in abundance, I find I have little to no free time and what little I do have I spend playing Halo with my friend Colton. Also, my Alice cosplay! Unfortunately, I didn't get to go to DragonCon because I got insanely sick and actually ended up in the hospital. So that was terrible. Thankfully I'm better now and I have a blog post for you! So, let's move on!

Yesterday I went shopping with my mother and I found this dress at Goodwill

I actually had to talk my mother into letting me buy this because she thought is was ugly. Lucky, I did because now I have a dress to completely re-do into something cute! Now, I love sewing and hemming and re-styling things, so this was a perfect match. My plan was to hem the dress to knee length and sew the arm holes to make them smaller.

And not only does this dress have crazy potential but the pattern is just great!

I started by pinning the length of the dress to where I wanted it.

Then I pinned the arm holes to make them not so gaping.

Next, I broke out the scissors and chopped off the unneeded fabric from the bottom.

And now we have a preview of our finished product!

Then to the sewing machine! Basically, I sewed the crap out of everything I pinned.

After cutting the final pieces of thread, I got my end result and posted it on LookBook!

Worth $6? I think so!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Alice in Wonderland cosplay!

So I finally finished my Alice cosplay and I managed to take a few pictures. So, I thought I'd share! I made the dress and apron myself, I got the wig and tights online, and found the shoes at Goodwill! I'm super excited for Dragon Con 2012. It is gonna be great. You can click to make them bigger!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Hellllllooooooooooo! I'm finally back and it's time to play catch up! It's been about a week and a half since I got back from my vacation, and I think I'm finally all back in sorts. Unfortunately, I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted but I did get a good amount (including cell phone pictures, forgive me). So let's get started here!

For starters, I FINALLY GOT A NEW PHONE. It's a Pantech Link and so far it is the best phone I've owned and I love it. I'm so thankful I found a phone so last minute.

The first place I went when I got to Florida was the beach with my grandmother! She lives right near the water, so naturally I wanted to go and walk along the beach and watch the sunset.

The beach was absolutely great, also cute birds.

The next day we visited this cool pier for sunset. You gotta love mangrove trees.

It was upon that very same pier that I met this adorable and color filled crab that was much tinier than I expected!

The sunset in question was a bit disappointing because of storms, but I got this shot of how half the sky was light and pretty while the half was dark and foreboding.

I also stumbled upon this bird, who seemed the enjoy himself as I clicked away! (I have far too many pictures of this guy, very photogenic I'd say).

Day three on the beach and my grandmother and I went shell hunting! This bird has nothing to do with shells, but he followed us around on the beach and I felt he needed to be on my blog.

My grandmother and I managed to find a shell bed and began hunting!

It was great.

My feet ended getting covered in sand, I'm definitely not complaining though, I love sand!

My knees though, I will complain about. Ouch.

After shell hunting, we headed to another pier, but upon seeing this CASTLE of a house I stopped to take pictures. Did I mention that only two people live there?

So it turned out that the pier we headed to was UNDER A BRIDGE!

 The pier was quite beautiful, for being under a bridge I mean.

There were tons of pelicans there waiting for fisherman to give them a snack.

Along with a ton of dead fish just laying around. Blah.

And I got up close and personal with this bird who patiently let me take a bunch of pictures of it.

Until it decided that I had taken too many and sassily walked off.

On the way back to my grandmother's house we stopped by my great uncle's house, also known as the place where Peacocks LOVE the hang out. PEACOCKS!

Right before leaving my grandmother's for my aunt's house I made and finished an Avengers skirt! It is easily my favorite thing.

Once at my aunt's house me and my cousin Dennis built a tower of legos.

I also spent quality time with baby Ben! He is the best baby ever.

I got a new lawn gnome to keep Finn company.

I think they quite like each other.

I got a Lord of the Rings lego set because why not.

Then, two days after I got home my mom and I drove 5 hours to go get my brother since he was being released from jail after 11 months. He was showing off all his new tattoos.

Now, today I got a pet fish! I slept over my friend Paris' house and we decided I needed a pet fish. At first I was planning on naming him Bruce Banner, but ultimately decided that I should name him after my favorite designer. Meet my fish, Oscar de la Renta.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Well, hello there, I am back at the office with my mother and I didn't bring my camera, so WEBCAM PICTURES! I thought I'd let you all know that I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow! I'm going by myself and going to stay with a bunch of family and I am crazy excited.

I'll be flying, which I love and haven't done in while. I'll be gone for 11 days and will probably not have an internet for the majority of the time I'm there, which should be an adventure!

I'm also trying to get a new phone that doesn't suck within the next 24 hours because my current phone is horrid. I am slowly becoming convinced that no good non-smartphones exist for the AT&T network. But I just hope I find something.

But until I arrive home, I'll see you all later! (This picture is reminding me to add 'gain skin pigment' to the top of my Florida to-do list, jeez I'm white.) Wish me luck on phone hunting!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Walk Through Dallas

So, today I went to work with my mother because I have an orthodontist appointment. My mom works at this church that just so happens to be within walking distance of the historic downtown Dallas, Georgia. It isn't really much of a downtown area as a street with the city hall and a ton of cute old family owned shops. Either way, I love it! So I grabbed my camera and took a walk.

I started my journey in the parking lot, where the lines on the pavement are old and cracked, making them look rustic and cool.

The church my mom works at is crazy old, much like everything in Dallas. It has a great steeple that I just had to take a picture of.

Then after walking a bit I arrived at Main Street!

I found out there is going to be a puppet show at the Dallas theater in July!

I went to my favorite little antique store.

And I bought three new photographs for my collection!

Then I passed a flower shop with the greatest flowers!

I also passed this great blue building that was offering body piercings, but was closed.

Then I came across this awesome guy! He saw me taking pictures and asked if I could take a picture of him, but he wanted it to look casual, so he started walking again and let me take a picture. He is great.

After meeting the great man from across the street, I found another antique shop that I somehow missed the last time I was here! I found this amazing old teddy bear that I desperately wanted to buy and patch up, but alas, I hadn't the money.

Then I found some else I didn't know existed, an art shop! It was filled with knick knacks and bobbles, but what I really loved was the little room dedicated to toddler things. There were toys everywhere.

I finally got around to walking over to the little park behind city hall, only to find I was completely alone!

I nearly decided to play in the fountain, which would have been nice and cool after a humid and icky day of walking.

But instead I sat on the benches, which I had all to myself.

After the benches got boring I moved to sit on the edge of the fountain, where I decided it was time to leave due to the beginnings of rain and the arrival of not so nice looking teenagers.

But nicely enough I saw a father and his little girl walking down the sidewalk and snapped a quick picture, because they were just too cute.

Then while walking back to my mom's office I saw the building in which I attended my first ever formal school dance. It brought back great memories of friends and dancing and food. It's kind of funny how a little building can do all that.

Eventually I finally reached my destination of my temporary office! And here is the blog post from that office! Though, the wifi here is terrible. Someone remind me never to photo blog from my mom's office again.